LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa

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Let's celebrate success in Golden Arrow competition!

We've got it! Our Nice To Lidl You campaign wins an honorable mention in this year's Golden Arrow competition!

To the cinema or a movie? Together with Lidl Poland, we found a third option - to a job fair combined with expert speakers and afternoon networking. In addition, we transformed one of the oldest cinemas in Europe into the epicenter of Lidl excitement.

The campaign was awarded in the Experimental marketing category.

As the organizers write about the competition:
Every year, the competition jury takes a look at the tools, innovation and effects of the largest implemented campaigns. The main goal of the competition is to promote best practices in the use of marketing tools and reward groundbreaking solutions. The jury, composed of marketers and representatives of specialized agencies, selects those projects that will serve as a reference and inspiration for the entire industry.

Thank you for the award and congratulations to the other awardees!

Want to know more about the project? Read our case study!

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LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa


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