LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa

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We are changing for our 10th birthday

What is LUCKYYOU? How should we talk about ourselves? And what do we want to talk about? We asked ourselves these three questions before we started working on the company's refreshed communication (linguistic and visual) - says Krzysztof Świtoński, CEO and Co-founder of LUCKYYOU.

We began our birthday rebranding by conducting internal research and workshops. Their results became the basis for work on a new, refreshed image of our brand - one that shows what we are really like.

Conclusions from the research were described in our manifesto - LUCKYYOU is the two parallel paths we follow for each project: LUCKY strategy&services and LUCKY creativity&approach.

We also toyed with a catchphrase. We added the phrase "Creativity gone wild" to the familiar "Marketing done right." Because that's who we are - totally effective and creatively crazy ;-)

The next stage involved refining the company's simple, somewhat hooky communication language and tone of voice.

In the area of visual identity, the focus was on evolution rather than revolution, i.e. leaving the distinctive shape of the sevens in a new typography and a lighter, more modern form, and a completely new font.  

For the new branding, we introduced icons that represent LUCKYYOU's core values and areas. All of this resonates in our materials in three main colors: muted graphite, neutral gray and energetic lime.

All these elements have found their expression on the new

The author of the refreshed visual identity is Sara Wojciechowska, Junior Art Director. The copywriting team, Natalia Majchrzak and Maciej Karolczak, is responsible for the text materials.

The author of the design and implementation of the website is Paweł Czamański, Senior Graphic Designer.

Want to know more? Read our case study!

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LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa


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