LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa

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Mona Olkiewicz premiers on the pages of Nowy Marketing

Did you know that March 10th is Men's Day?

Mona Olkiewicz, Junior Copywriter at LUCKYYOU, tackles the subject of menvertising and asks: is there such a thing as an ideal man? J

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March 10th is an enigmatic date for many. If it's not your birthday or an important anniversary, it's just another day for you. Few people remember that just two days after the grand celebration of International Women's Day, we have Men's Day. But it's much more than a neighbor of World Forehead Kissing Day. Men and masculinity have become a current topic in marketing communication, and the industry has already proven the power of "menvertising" more than once.

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LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa


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