LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa

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Lidl Poland among the top most popular employers on LinkedIn

We are bursting with pride - Lidl Poland has been ranked among the top most popular employers on LinkedIn according to an analysis by Maja Gojtowska and Sotrender!

According to the authors:

"The top of the list is dominated by employers in the banking and insurance industries - a conclusion that also coincides with my subjective observations of the market. Against this background, Lidl Polska stands out - it is the only representative of the retail industry that keeps pace with banking and insurance on Linkedin. And the pace of activity, we must admit, is ambitious."

"Lidl Polska takes us behind the scenes of work in the organization. On the profile we can find summaries of various initiatives (internal and external) organized in the company. More than 55,000 observers give the organization the 3rd place in the list of the largest."

There are numbers behind our success - the results of the analysis are supported by verified and detailed data from the Sotrender platform.

It is our pleasure to support Lidl Poland by engaging and growing our audience on LinkedIn.

Thank you for your trust!

The material and detailed analysis (only in Polish) are available here.

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LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa


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