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Download the Employer Branding Tool Map

Employer Branding Tool Map is the first such ebook that will give you not only knowledge, but specific tools to use it in your employer branding activities. And it comes with recommendations from the experts at LUCKYYOU!

What awaits you in the material?

A comprehensive overview of the most interesting tools that will make your work more efficient and attractive. This is a collection of our recommended applications, objective information and subjective evaluations that will help you decide what to choose.

That's almost 130 tools, 33 expert descriptions and commentaries and 11 thematic sections.

As our CEO, Krzysztof Świtoński, writes in the introduction to the publication:

With tools it's a bit like with racing cars. It's not the car that wins the race, but the driver. Tools are supposed to help us and make our lives easier, but they won't do everything for us. It's worth keeping this in mind when we set up another test account to test the capabilities of the latest application.

In this ebook, as in our daily work, we take a sensible approach to tools. We are far from the "toolism" that it is easy to fall into when looking for the perfect solution. Ideal ones are unlikely to exist, as everyone has different needs, but it is definitely worthwhile to benefit from the experience of others. That's why this ebook was created. We want to show you our subjective selection of tools that make our daily work easier or help us and our clients. They won't always do everything for us, but they are an important piece in the puzzle, thanks to which EB communication can be more interesting, effective, efficient or simply more fun and engaging. And that's what it's most often about.

Interested? Download it for free!

Ebook is available only in Polish.

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LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa


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